3 events found.
Preschool Playtime (Ages 1 – 5)
Harrell Memorial Public Library 13016 NW CR 12, BristolJoin us for weekly storytime and play with friends. STEM and other imaginative play items available. Program geared for ages 1 - 5.
LEGO CLUB (Ages 6 – 12 / Registration Required)
Bay County Public Library 898 W 11th Street, Panama CityTackle LEGO challenges by putting STEM concepts into action. Class Size Limited. Registration required. Visit the Youth Services department or call 850-522-2118 to register.
Collage Makerspace at Floriopolis
Floriopolis 1131 Beck Avenue, Panama CityCollage Makerspace taught by Sarah Burris (Bay County Public Library Artist and Librarian) will be held at Floriopolis - 1131 Beck Avenue on November 13 from 6 - 8 pm. […]